First Trip to Orlando for IDEX

Here it is the beginning of a New Year and the beginning of a new adventure to me.  I have never had a blog before and my husband has been working on this website for me. I am so lucky to have a husband who supports me and encourages me to enjoy my doll collecting. He is my “IT” guy in many ways!

I have been collecting Himstedt dolls since 2004 and it is sad that there are no new dolls to anticipate since the factory in Germany closed down. The 5 dolls that were released last year, very limited, very pricey, were a real surprise but not many collectors were able to get them.

The new “mother mould” dolls are beautiful, but nothing more beautiful than the previous couple of years, in my opinion. Annette is a very talented artist and her creations are greatly missed by those of us who collect her work. I was lucky enough to be able to see 2 of the 2009 dolls when I went down to the Houston area for a “Doll Party” this past October. I got to see Kateri and Antha in real life, plus many other Himstedt dolls.

My plans for this blog are to talk about dolls mostly, but also, family, friends, sewing, collecting, etc…..all the things that a 52 year old woman like me might be interested in. I have been sewing and selling doll clothes since 2004 and many of you reading this are my customers or friends and I thank you for that. I started collecting the dolls because I missed sewing for my little girl, who was in her last year of college when I started all of this. The dolls became like little girls to me. They needed other outfits besides the ones they came with.  That’s how I got started, and it has been lots of fun.

Since I started collecting these dolls, I have met some wonderful “doll people”. I belong to several doll forums and we all enable each other by showing off our dolls.  I have been to the “Doll Party” in Houston for the past 3 Octobers and now I am planning to attend IDEX (International Doll Exposition) at the end of this month. That will be lots of fun and I will see some of the people I have already met plus some new ones. We will talk more about IDEX after the trip. Until then, be the best you can be….at whatever you want to be!

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